Sunday, November 3, 2019

Are Domestic and International Marketing Dissimilar Article

Are Domestic and International Marketing Dissimilar - Article Example According to Hofstede (2010), culture refers to the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people from others. The culture of one country is distinguished from the other countries using the values of dimensions of the national cultures. She illustrated that power distance is a situation where there are differences in power holding in society. Power distance is the extent to which less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept the unequal distributed power. This power distance may be experienced in Kuwait, and she gave an example of marriage and relationship and divorce in family structures. In every family in Kuwait, every member of the family knows the extent of power that one holds in that family. In the contribution, I suggested that the society’s level of power inequality is endorsed by the followers and leaders in the Kuwait society. She also talked about the individualism and collectivism as a value that distinguishes Kuwait from other countries. She illustrated that the wealth effect has produced some form of individualism and it is evident in the new generation. I concur with her because individualism is the degree to which individuals are not integrated into groups and their ties within the society are loose while collectivism is the situation where the society is integrated into strong, cohesive groups. I contributed by saying that in Kuwait everyone is expected to care for themselves including immediate family which is mostly experienced in the new generation while in the old generation people were expected to protect each other in the society. She gave an example of collectivism using the old generations like parents and grandparents who are close to each other thus in a long time ago the extended families lived together.

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